I already know I like taking photos with my iPhone -- my fifth now, for the record -- and I use it for a ton of stuff pretty constantly (in addition to taking stoopit pics of myself). Today I am having a look at how it works as a mobile blogging tool. I'm sure technically it's not going to be any different. But I gotta say, I'm well below my normal typing speed of around 120 wpm or so...
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Monday, June 16, 2008
Skulls-n-Roses Mark II Finis!

I never work with blue, though. If you asked me, I'd probably say I don't especially like the color blue. But something about this particular print appealed to me. Then when I found the plaid that melded so well, it was pretty much unavoidable.
I took a little bit of a risk with this sewing pattern -- Simplicity 3745, for the record. I knew there was a high risk that it would not look quite right on me. And I'm not sure how I do feel about how it came out; that is, how it looks on me. As always, it's better on me than on Heddy -- definitely less hausfrau-ish. Still, I'm undecided.
Now, if I wear this one out and get complimented walking down the street, well. Asked and answered.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Skulls-n-Roses Mark II
I haven't finished this yet, but I had to show off the fabric combination. Do you think they'll like it at the ro-day-oh?
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Bat Glass Finale
I was so happy when I made this glass -- an etched bat glass, perfect for me (and my new love affair with wine). But alas, it came to an early, and shardy, end.
Farewell, dear bat glass. You were loved in your time.
Farewell, dear bat glass. You were loved in your time.
Saturday, June 07, 2008
Blue-Eyed Squid

During the time my bathroom was being given the workover, I was often "trapped" in the house on Saturdays. Sometimes it was an effort to find things to keep me busy... and it shouldn't come as a surprise that often that meant just finding something to make.
On one such Saturday I occupied myself improvising this squid for a friend who was one his way out of town for a couple weeks (although I doubt the squidlet went with him :( ). It's a lil bit Grimpoteuthis (dumbo octopus) and a lil bit Vampyroteuthis infernalis (vampire squid from hell). I can think of fewer combinations which would remind someone of me.
It's in a fleece with a strange print -- all those different patterns are all printed on the fleece, it's not pieced together. The printed buttons look to me like false eye spots -- you know, to fool predators. Its real eyes are stacked buttons in blue (like his).
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
Here's one for the people who know me.
I discovered this photo today by Kaldoon on Flickr. It's beautiful, and the filter/effects used make it very unreal/otherworldly -- but it is, in fact, a real sculpture in a real place.
Not only is the piece quite interesting and the picture itself stunning, but those who know me will understand, in particular, why I found it so moving. (And it's not just because of the resemblance to a Klingon battle cruiser.)
Not only is the piece quite interesting and the picture itself stunning, but those who know me will understand, in particular, why I found it so moving. (And it's not just because of the resemblance to a Klingon battle cruiser.)
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